About Jill N Davies
Well… aren’t you a curious soul…

Writing is my first love. I’ve been writing stories as long as I can remember. My first stories included gems like “Puffy the Pufferfish,” and “Stinktown,” a story about a skunk and all its forest creature friends. I won my first award in Sixth grade for a school-wide creativity writing contest with a “Camp in the Cave,” a gripping tale about best friends who get separated from their summer camp and trapped inside of a cave. Other gems from my childhood include an unnamed fan fiction set in the universe of “Back to the Future,” and “Sled Runners,” which is a story about Alaska and sled dogs because I used to be absolutely obsessed with Jack London.
I continued writing into High School, but, in an earnest attempt to define myself, began spending more time obsessing about science. With all the confidence of a 16-year old, I believed I needed to be distinct from my sister, who had claimed writing and literature as her own and thus science and mathematics were clearly mine.
I majored in Chemistry, but never stopped writing. After graduating I worked in an analytical laboratory for almost seven years, constantly transforming flashes of reality into fantastical stories and storing them in the archives of my mind. In 2011 I joined a writing group and began writing in earnest again. Though the group disintegrated after only a few months, I continued to write with wildly varying frequency while obtaining a masters in education.
Finally, after the devastatingly premature birth of my first child completely upheaved our lives, I decided to get serious about writing and publishing. This of course, began the arduous journey of becoming an Indie author. It took about 18 months before I published my first novel in 2020, only one month before the premature birth of my second child. I still write to this day, combining fantasy and reality into action-packed, thrilling stories I can’t wait to share with you.